Identifying and
Hate Speech

Learn more about hate speech, how to identify and report it.

About the Course

The anonymous nature of the internet has led to an increase in hate speech, turning social media into places filled with insults and harmful words. Hate speech and discrimination are serious problems that cause division, violence, and harm both online and in the physical world.
This course ‘Identifying and Reporting Hate Speech‘ is designed to help you understand this issue. You’ll learn what hate speech is, what groups are most often targeted, and why hate speech spreads online. Through real-life examples, you’ll also gain insights into the impact of hate speech.

Master the Skills to Identify and Report Hate Speech Online
Learn what hate speech is.
Understand the problem and the effects of hate speech through case studies and real-life examples.
Learn which groups are most vulnerable to hate speech.
Look at different policies and approaches to hate speech on various social media platforms.
Learn how to report hate speech.
Earn the ‘Hate Slayer Badge.’